8th Workshop at KI2018

The eighth workshop 'emotion and computing - current research and future impact' is held in 2018.

The workshop takes place at the KI 2018 at Berlin, September 24-25th 2018.


09:00-09:45 Discussion Session 1: Sensing Physiological Signs of Emotion
Opening Presentation: "Initial Investigation of Combining Electrodermal Activity Recognition with Thermal Imaging for Emotion Classification"
Simone Schneider, Dirk Reichardt
09:45-10:30 Discussion Session 2: Emotion System Architectures
Opening Presentation: "Computational Modelling of Metacognition in Emotion Regulation"
Catriona Kennedy
10:30-11:00 Coffee Break
11:00-11:45 Discussion Session 3: Human-like Emotional Companions
Opening Presentation: "Feel Your Machine: Investigating the Usage of Operation Data to Increase Awareness of Electronic Devices States Via Simulated Emotions"
Alia ElBolock, Ahmed Youness, Yomna Abdelrahman, and Slim Abdennadher
11:45-12:30 Demo and Discussion Session: Affective Computing in VR and AR
demonstrations of affective computing examples in virtual and augmented reality
12:30-14:00 Lunch

Organization and Scientific Committee

Prof. Dr. Dirk Reichardt, Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University Stuttgart (main contact)
Prof. Dr. Slim Abdennadher, German University Cairo (GUC)
Alia ElBolock, German University Cairo (GUC)
Dr. Patrick Gebhard, DFKI Saarbruecken
Dr. Eva Kumhuber, University College London
Dr.-Ing. Bjoern Schuller, TU Muenchen
Prof. Dr. David Suendermann, DHBW Stuttgart
