" or "belwue". Since it is an unencrypted network you primarily need no key (WEP,WPA, etc.).
2. Start your webbbrowser and call an arbitrary webpage. You are automatically directed to the start page of the "Notebook Access Control System (NACS). There you have to login with your account data (name and password). As long as this page stays opened your laptop has access to the network. To call other internet pages you should use a new window or tab of your browser.
ATTENTION: Since this is an unencrypted connection the data traffic can be easily eavesdropped. To prevent this read on under point 3.
3. For a secure and convenient access to the network the use of the free VPN-Software OpenVPN is recommended. A description how to get an install the software is given in the following chapter.
Access to the network via VPN
A VPN (Virtual Private Network) is an encrypted and therefore secure network connection of a computer to private (corporate-) network via an unsecure internet connection. The advantage of the use of a VPN-Software is besides the security aspects the convenient handling.
To connect your laptop to the network of the Cooperative State University we recommend the installation of the free VPN-Client "OpenVPN". You can find the needed files and installation instruction (in german!) under OpenVPN