- The paper as published in AICOM has an error in the condition part of the inference rule for Clause Subsumption (CS) on the 5th page of the paper. The rule was written as T R v S ========== if \sigma(S)=T for a substitution \sigma T It should be T R v S ========== if \sigma(T)=S for a substitution \sigma T - The original paper contained a mistaken statement about the undecidabiliy of tautology testing for equational clauses. Thanks to Jasmin Blanchette for catching this. - In the rule RP (Rewriting of positive literals), the side condition was stated as "...is not eligible for resolution...", but should be "...is not eligible for paramodulation...". This bug was noted by Simon Cruanes. These errors have been fixed in the version published on my private bibliography page. - StS