#!/usr/bin/env python """ Test progam for AVL trees. """ import sys import random import getopt class AVLNode(object): """ Binary tree node. """ def __init__(self, key, lchild = None, rchild = None): self.key = key self.lchild = lchild self.rchild = rchild self.balance = 0 def recompute_balance(self): balance = height(self.lchild)-height(self.rchild) class AVLTree(object): """ Container type with the root of the tree. """ def __init__(self): self.root = None def insert(self,key): #print "Inserting", key #print "-----------" #self.print_tree() #print "-----------" self.root, dummy = avl_insert(self.root, key) #print "-----------" #self.print_tree() #print "-----------" #print "Finished", key #print "===========" def insert_set(self, set, files=False): for k in set: self.insert(k) if files: dot_print_tree_full(self.root) def print_tree(self): print_tree(self.root) def find(self, key): return def avl_insert(tree, key): """ Insert a key into the tree. Return tupel of new tree and change in height (1 or 0). """ if not tree: return AVLNode(key), 1 elif key < tree.key: tree.lchild, delta = avl_insert(tree.lchild, key) if delta: tree.balance = tree.balance-delta if tree.balance == -2: print "Rebalance left", tree.key if tree.lchild.balance <= 0: print "left-left" tree, delta = avlrotate_r(tree) else: print "left-right", tree.key tree,delta = avlrotate_lr(tree) # We know from theoretical analyis that the tree depth # does not grow here return tree,0 else: # branch has possibly grown deeper return tree, abs(tree.balance) else: return tree, 0 elif key > tree.key: tree.rchild, delta = avl_insert(tree.rchild, key) if delta: tree.balance = tree.balance+delta if tree.balance == 2: print "Rebalance right", tree.key if tree.rchild.balance >= 0: print "right-right", tree.key tree, delta = avlrotate_l(tree) else: print "right-left", tree.key tree,delta = avlrotate_rl(tree) return tree,0 else: # branch has possibly grown deeper return tree, abs(tree.balance) else: # We know from theoretical analyis that the tree depth # does not grow here return tree, 0 else: print "Error: Duplicate key" return tree, 0 def avlrotate_rl(tree): tree.rchild, delta1 = avlrotate_r(tree.rchild) tree, delta2 = avlrotate_l(tree) return tree, delta2 def avlrotate_lr(tree): tree.lchild, delta1 = avlrotate_l(tree.lchild) tree, delta2 = avlrotate_r(tree) return tree, delta2 rtable = { (-1, 0) : ( 0, 1, 0), (-1,-1) : ( 1, 1, 0), (-1, 1) : ( 0, 2, 0), (-2,-1) : ( 0, 0, -1), (-2,-2) : ( 1, 0, -1)} def avlrotate_r(tree): pivot = tree.lchild tbal = tree.balance pbal = pivot.balance tree.lchild = pivot.rchild pivot.rchild = tree tree.balance, pivot.balance, delta = rtable[(tbal,pbal)] #print "L: (%2d,%2d) => (%2d, %2d, %2d)"%(tbal, pbal, tree.balance, pivot.balance, delta) return pivot, (-1+abs(pbal)) ltable = { ( 1, 0) : ( 0, -1, 0), ( 1, 1) : (-1, -1, 0), ( 1,-1) : ( 0, -2, 0), ( 2, 1) : ( 0, 0, -1), ( 2, 2) : (-1, 0, -1)} def avlrotate_l(tree): pivot = tree.rchild tbal = tree.balance pbal = pivot.balance tree.rchild = pivot.lchild pivot.lchild = tree tree.balance, pivot.balance, delta = ltable[(tbal,pbal)] #print "L: (%2d,%2d) => (%2d, %2d, %2d)"%(tbal, pbal, tree.balance, pivot.balance, delta) return pivot, delta def tree_height(tree): if tree: return 1+max(tree_height(tree.lchild),tree_height(tree.rchild)) else: return 0 def tree_bal(tree): if tree: return tree_height(tree.rchild) -\ tree_height(tree.lchild) return 0 def find(tree, key): if tree: if key < tree.key: return find(tree.lchild, key) if key > tree.key: return find(tree.rchild, key) return tree def print_tree(tree, indent = ""): if tree: print_tree(tree.lchild, indent+" ") bal = tree_height(tree.rchild)-tree_height(tree.lchild) marker = " " if bal!=tree.balance: marker = "!" print "%s:%2d:%2d:%3d:%s %s"%(marker, tree.balance, bal, tree_height(tree), indent, tree.key) print_tree(tree.rchild, indent+" ") node_counter=0 def newnode(): global node_counter name = "H%02d"%(node_counter,) node_counter = node_counter+1 return name def dot_print_tree(tree, f = sys.stdout): if tree: print >>f, " %s [label=\"%s : %d\"]"%(tree.key,tree.key,tree.balance) if tree.lchild: print >>f, " ",tree.key, "->", tree.lchild.key elif tree.rchild: hn = newnode() print >>f, " ", hn, "[style=invis]" print >>f, " ",tree.key, "->", hn, "[style=invis]" dot_print_tree(tree.lchild, f) if tree.rchild: print >>f, " ",tree.key, "->", tree.rchild.key elif tree.lchild: hn = newnode() print >>f, " ", hn, "[style=invis]" print >>f, " ",tree.key, "->", hn, "[style=invis]" dot_print_tree(tree.rchild, f) counter = 0 def newfile(): global counter name = "avl%03d.gv"%(counter,) counter = counter+1 print "Writing tp file", name return open(name, "w"); def dot_print_tree_full(tree): f = newfile() print >>f, """ digraph heap { rankdir=tb; ordering = out """ print >>f, " HR [style=invisible]" if not tree: print >>f,"HN [style=invis]" print >>f," HR -> HN" else: print >>f," node [style=solid,fontname=Helvetica,fontsize=18]" print >>f," HR ->", tree.key dot_print_tree(tree, f) print >>f, """ } """ f.close() def print_keys(set): print "$K=\{", sep = "" for i in set: print sep,i, sep="," print "\}$" if __name__ == '__main__': opts, args = getopt.gnu_getopt(sys.argv[1:], "t", ["trees"]) trees = False for opt, arg in opts: if opt == "-t": trees = True if not trees: keys = ["Max", "Moritz", "Fritz", "Franz", "Emil", "Herbert", "Anton", "Peter", "Paul", "Simon"] keys = range(30) #keys.reverse() random.seed(10) random.shuffle(keys) keys = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 8] tree = AVLTree() tree.insert_set(keys, True) tree.print_tree() print "================" tree.print_tree() print "================" dot_print_tree_full(tree.root) else: pass