#!/usr/bin/env python2.7 # ---------------------------------- # # Module lexer.py """ A simple lexical analyser that converts a string into a sequence of tokens. Copyright 2010-2011 Stephan Schulz, schulz@eprover.org This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program ; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA The original copyright holder can be contacted as Stephan Schulz Auf der Altenburg 7 70376 Stuttgart Germany Email: schulz@eprover.org """ import unittest import string import re from idents import Ident class ScannerError(Exception): """ A class representing all errors that the scanner can produce. """ def __init__(self): self.name = "ScannerError" self.value = "" def __repr__(self): return self.name+"("+repr(self.value)+")" def __str__(self): return self.__repr__() class IllegalCharacterError(ScannerError): """ Class representing an unexpexted character error """ def __init__(self, char): self.name = "Illegal character" self.value = char class UnexpectedTokenError(ScannerError): """ Class representing an unexpected token error. """ def __init__(self, token): self.name = "Unexpected token" self.value = token class UnexpectedIdentError(ScannerError): """ Class representing an unexpected identifier error. """ def __init__(self, token): self.name = "Unexpected identifier" self.value = token nl_re = re.compile("\n") class Token(object): """ Represent a single token with name, position, and print representation. """ NoToken = Ident("No Token") WhiteSpace = Ident("White Space") Comment = Ident("Comment") IdentUpper = Ident("Identifier starting with capital letter") IdentLower = Ident("Identifier starting with lower case letter") DefFunctor = Ident("Defined symbol (starting with a $)") PosInt = Ident("Positive Integer") FullStop = Ident(". (full stop)") OpenPar = Ident("(") ClosePar = Ident(")") Comma = Ident(",") EqualSign = Ident("=") NotEqualSign = Ident("!=") Implies = Ident("->") Equiv = Ident("<=>") Negation = Ident("~") Or = Ident("|") And = Ident("&") Mult = Ident("*") Plus = Ident("+") Minus = Ident("-") EOFToken = Ident("*EOF*") def __init__(self, type, literal, source, pos): self.type = type; self.literal = literal; self.source = source; self.pos = pos def __repr__(self): return repr( (self.type, self.literal) ) def linepos(self): """ Return the line number of the token by counting all the newlines in the position up to the current token. """ return len(nl_re.findall(self.source[:self.pos]))+1 class Lexer(object): """ Lexical analysier. This will convert a string into a sequence of tokens that can be inspected and processed in-order. It is a bit of an overkill for the simple application, but makes actual parsing later much easier and more robust than a quicker hack. """ # This list is traversed in order, the first match is # returned. This makes it much easier than "longest match", and # I have not yet seen a grammar where this causes trouble. token_defs = [ (re.compile("\."), Token.FullStop), (re.compile("\("), Token.OpenPar), (re.compile("\)"), Token.ClosePar), (re.compile(","), Token.Comma), (re.compile("="), Token.EqualSign), (re.compile("!="), Token.NotEqualSign), (re.compile("->"), Token.Implies), (re.compile("<=>"), Token.Equiv), (re.compile("-"), Token.Minus), (re.compile("\+"), Token.Plus), (re.compile("\*"), Token.Mult), (re.compile("~"), Token.Negation), (re.compile("\|"), Token.Or), (re.compile("&"), Token.And), (re.compile("\s+"), Token.WhiteSpace), (re.compile("[a-z][_a-z0-9_A-Z]*"), Token.IdentLower), (re.compile("[_A-Z][_a-z0-9_A-Z]*"), Token.IdentUpper), (re.compile("[0-9][0-9]*"), Token.PosInt), (re.compile("\$[_a-z0-9A-Z]*"), Token.DefFunctor), (re.compile("#[^\n]*"), Token.Comment), (re.compile("%[^\n]*"), Token.Comment) ] def __init__(self, source, name="user string"): """ Initialize the lexer with the string (=sequence of bytes) to be split into tokens. The second argument can be used to denote the source of the data, e.g. a filename. """ self.token_stack = [] self.source = source self.pos = 0 self.name = name def Push(self, token): """ Return a token to the token stack. This allows basically unlimited look-ahead under user control. """ self.token_stack.append(token) def Look(self): """ Return the next token without consuming it. """ res = self.Next() self.Push(res) return res def LookLit(self): """ Return the literal value of the next token, i.e. the string generating the token. """ return self.Look().literal def TestTok(self, tokens): """ Take a list of expected token types. Return True if the next token is expected, False otherwise. """ try: # If tokens is a list, we accept all elements from the # list. return self.Look().type in tokens except TypeError: # Otherwise, it is a single token whose type has to be # matched. return self.Look().type == tokens def CheckTok(self, tokens): """ Take a list of expected token types. If the next token is not among the expected ones, exit with an error. Otherwise do nothing. """ if not self.TestTok(tokens): raise UnexpectedTokenError( repr(self.Look().literal)+ " not "+repr(tokens)) def AcceptTok(self, tokens): """ Take a list of expected token types. If the next token is among the expected ones, consume and return it. Otherwise, exit with an error. """ self.CheckTok(tokens) return self.Next() def TestLit(self, litvals): """ Take a list of expected literal strings. Return True if the next token's string value is among them, False otherwise. """ try: return self.LookLit() in litvals except TypeError: return self.LookLit() == litvals def CheckLit(self, litvals): """ Take a list of expected literal strings. If the next token's literal is not among the expected ones, exit with an error. Otherwise do nothing. """ if not self.TestLit(litvals): raise UnexpectedIdentError( repr(self.Look().literal)+ " not "+repr(litvals)) def AcceptLit(self, litvals): """ Take a list of expected literal strings. If the next token's literal is among the expected ones, consume and return the literal. Otherwise, exit with an error. """ self.CheckLit(litvals) return self.Next() def Next(self): """ Return next semantically relevant token. """ res = self.NextUnfiltered(); while res.type in [Token.WhiteSpace, Token.Comment]: res = self.NextUnfiltered(); return res; def NextUnfiltered(self): """ Return next token, including tokens ignored by most languages. """ if len(self.token_stack) > 0: return self.token_stack.pop() else: old_pos = self.pos if self.source[old_pos:] == "": return Token(Token.EOFToken, "", self.source, old_pos) for i in self.token_defs: # Go through all the token definitions and process the # first one that matchs. mr = i[0].match(self.source, self.pos) if mr: literal = self.source[mr.start():mr.end()] self.pos = mr.end() type = i[1] break if not mr: raise IllegalCharacterError(self.source[self.pos:self.pos+4]+"...") return Token(type, literal, self.source, old_pos) def Lex(self): """ Return a list of all tokens in the source. """ res = [] while not self.TestTok(Token.EOFToken): res.append(self.Next()) return res class TestLexer(unittest.TestCase): """ Test the lexer functions. """ def setUp(self): print self.example1 = "f(X,g(a,b))" self.example2 = "# Comment\nf(X,g(a,b))" self.example3 = "cnf(test,axiom,p(a)|p(f(X)))." self.example4 = "^" def testLex(self): """ Test that comments and whitespace are normally ignored. """ lex1=Lexer(self.example1) lex2=Lexer(self.example2) res1 = [(i.type, i.literal) for i in lex1.Lex()] res2 = [(i.type, i.literal) for i in lex2.Lex()] self.assertEqual(res1, res2) def testTerm(self): """ Test that self.example 1 is split into the expected tokens. """ lex1=Lexer(self.example1) lex1.AcceptTok([Token.IdentLower]) # f lex1.AcceptTok([Token.OpenPar]) # ( lex1.AcceptTok([Token.IdentUpper]) # X lex1.AcceptTok([Token.Comma]) # , lex1.AcceptTok([Token.IdentLower]) # g lex1.AcceptTok([Token.OpenPar]) # ( lex1.AcceptTok([Token.IdentLower]) # a lex1.AcceptTok([Token.Comma]) # , lex1.AcceptTok([Token.IdentLower]) # b lex1.AcceptTok([Token.ClosePar]) # ) lex1.AcceptTok([Token.ClosePar]) # ) def testClause(self): """ Perform lexical analysis of a clause, then rebuild it and compare that the strings are the same. """ lex = Lexer(self.example3) toks = lex.Lex() print toks self.assertEqual(len(toks), 20) tmp = [i.literal for i in toks] rebuild = "".join([i.literal for i in toks]) self.assertEqual(rebuild, self.example3) def testAcceptLit(self): """ Check the positive case of AcceptLit(). """ lex = Lexer(self.example3) lex.AcceptLit("cnf") lex.AcceptLit("(") lex.AcceptLit("test") lex.AcceptLit(",") lex.AcceptLit("axiom") lex.AcceptLit(",") lex.AcceptLit("p") lex.AcceptLit("(") lex.AcceptLit("a") lex.AcceptLit(")") lex.AcceptLit("|") lex.AcceptLit("p") lex.AcceptLit("(") lex.AcceptLit("f") lex.AcceptLit("(") # That should be enoug ;-) def testErrors(self): """ Provoke different errors. """ lex = Lexer(self.example4) self.assertRaises(IllegalCharacterError, lex.Look) lex = Lexer(self.example1) self.assertRaises(UnexpectedTokenError, lex.CheckTok, Token.EqualSign) lex = Lexer(self.example1) self.assertRaises(UnexpectedIdentError, lex.CheckLit, "abc") if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()