This is the text which I send to c.o.l.a to announce the availability of E under the GPL: -------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Stephan Schulz) Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.announce Subject: E Equational Theorem Prover version 0.2 for download Summary: Announcement of availability of the E thorem prover. Keywords: E, equational theorem proving, ATP The E Equational Theorem Prover =============================== E is a a purely equational theorem prover for clausal logic. That means it is a program that you can stuff a mathematical specification (in clausal logic with equality) and a hypothesis into, and which will then run forever, using up all of your machines resources. Very occasionally it will find a proof for the hypothesis and tell you so ;-). E is available as a source distribution for UNIX-variants. It installs cleanly under all UNIX variants I could get my hands on: Various versions of Linux/Intel and Linux/SPARC, SunOS, Solaris and HPUX. If this already sounds exiting to you, go download your version from If not, consider the following points: 1) Won't cause a new desktop war. The program is extremely useless to most end users. 2) Impress your Comp. Sci. Prof! 3) High Hack Value! E is distributed under the GNU General Public License. Have fun! Stephan -------------------------- It can be done! --------------------------------- Please email me as (Stephan Schulz) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the announcement for version 0.24 of E. ----------------------------------------------- From: (Stephan Schulz) Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.announce Subject: E Equational Theorem Prover version 0.24 "Yunnan" released Summary: Announcement of availability of the E thorem prover. Keywords: E, equational theorem proving, ATP The E equational theorem prover version 0.24 "Yunnan" has been released. E is a a purely equational theorem prover for clausal logic with equality. Thus, you can specify a mathematical problem (e.g. a mathematical puzzle), a (small) piece of program code or some hardware elements in clausal logic (using rules of the form "If A and B and C then D or E or F" in a PROLOG-like syntax), and try to have the system prove certain properties of the described structure. Be warned that this can consume inane amounts of CPU time and memory for non-trivial problems. As an example, the following piece of specification (PUZ003-1 from the TPTP v2.1.0 problem library for theorem provers) describes a barber club where a certain rule about shaving exist, namely, that each member who shaves a member will be shaved by all members in turn. shaved(members, X) <- member(X), member(Y), shaved(X, Y). shaved(Y, X) <- shaved(members, X), member(Y). member(guido) <- . member(lorenzo) <- . member(petruchio) <- . member(cesare) <- . shaved(guido, cesare) <- . If you add the following query, the prover will prove (in about 0.03 seconds on a 143 MHz UltraSparc 1) that Petrucio shaved Lorenzo: <- shaved(petruchio, lorenzo). E is based on a variant of the the superposition calculus described by Bachmair and Ganzinger, and is especially useful for problems containing equality. Version 0.24 "Yunnan" is the first stable and hopefully bug-free release that can deal efficiently with full clausal logic. It is still very much work in progress, and new versions should be released soon. The program is available as a source distribution for UNIX-like systems. It installs cleanly under all UNIX variants I could get my hands on: Various versions of GNU/Linux for Intel and SPARC, SunOS, Solaris and HPUX. The prover is distributed under the GNU General Public License. You can get the latest stable release from Have fun! Stephan -------------------------- It can be done! --------------------------------- Please email me as (Stephan Schulz) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the announcement for version 0.3 of E. ----------------------------------------------- From: (Stephan Schulz) Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.announce Subject: E Equational Theorem Prover 0.3 "Castleton" released Summary: Announcement of availability of the E thorem prover. Keywords: E, equational theorem proving, ATP The E equational theorem prover version 0.3 "Castleton" has been released. E is a a purely equational theorem prover for clausal logic with equality. Thus, you can specify a mathematical problem (e.g. a mathematical puzzle), a (small) piece of program code or some hardware elements in clausal logic (using rules of the form "If A and B and C then D or E or F" in a PROLOG-like syntax), and try to have the system prove certain properties of the described structure. Be warned that this can consume inane (in fact, theoretically unlimited) amounts of CPU time and memory for diffcult problems. E version 0.3. is the most polished version released so far. It now features a special mode to allow the prover to select all parameters automatically, so that even new users can get some use out of it. E 0.3 has been tested on all 3275 CNF problems of the TPTP problem library for theorem provers, and showed no unexpected behaviour. Results are available from the E web page. E is available as a source distribution for UNIX-variants. It installs cleanly under all UNIX variants I could get my hands on: Various versions of GNU/Linux for Intel and SPARC, SunOS, Solaris and HPUX. E is distributed under the GNU General Public License. You can find the source distribution and additional information at Have fun! Stephan -------------------------- It can be done! --------------------------------- Please email me as (Stephan Schulz) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Do not forget follow-up next time! Our servers are usually rebooted Monday mornings between 3:30 and 4:00 ME(S)Z, and may be unavailable during this time. From: (Stephan Schulz) Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.announce Subject: E Equational Theorem Prover 0.31 "Jungpana" released Summary: Announcement of availability of the E thorem prover. Keywords: E, equational theorem proving, ATP Followup-To: comp.theory The E equational theorem prover version 0.31 "Jungpana" has been released. E is a a purely equational theorem prover for clausal logic with equality. Thus, you can specify a mathematical problem (e.g. a mathematical puzzle), a (small) piece of program code or some hardware elements in clausal logic (using rules of the form "If A and B and C then D or E or F" in a PROLOG-like syntax), and try to have the system prove certain properties of the described structure. Be warned that this can consume inane (in fact, theoretically unlimited) amounts of CPU time and memory for diffcult problems. Version 0.31 improves on the previous version in a variety of ways: - The inference engine is much faster. - The automatic mode for selecting search heuristics has been improved. - When memory is low, the prover will now discard some clauses with very bad evaluations. This makes it possible to get good results even with low to medium amounts of memory (32 MB should work fine even for many hard proof problems). - The prover can now read and write native TPTP format in addition to E-LOP. - Various minor changes. E is available as a source distribution for UNIX-variants. It installs cleanly under all UNIX variants I could get my hands on: Various versions of GNU/Linux for Intel and SPARC, SunOS, Solaris and HPUX. E is distributed under the GNU General Public License. You can find the source distribution and additional information at (Our servers are usually rebooted Monday mornings between 3:30 and 4:00 ME(S)Z, and may be unavailable during this time). Have fun! Stephan -------------------------- It can be done! --------------------------------- Please email me as (Stephan Schulz) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the announcement for version 0.32 of E. ----------------------------------------------- comp.os.linux.announce, gnu.announce, comp.theory, From: (Stephan Schulz) Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.announce Subject: E Equational Theorem Prover 0.32 "Lingia" released Summary: Announcement of availability of the E thorem prover. Keywords: E, equational theorem proving, ATP Followup-To: The E equational theorem prover version 0.32 "Lingia" has been released. E is a a purely equational theorem prover for clausal logic with equality. Thus, you can specify a mathematical problem (e.g. a mathematical puzzle), a (small) piece of program code or some hardware elements in clausal logic (using rules of the form "If A and B and C then D or E or F" in a PROLOG-like syntax), and try to have the system prove certain properties of the described structure. Be warned that this can consume inane (in fact, theoretically unlimited) amounts of CPU time and memory for difficult problems. Version 0.32 improves on the previous version in a variety of ways: - The inference engine is (once more) much faster. - Special strategies for Horn problems have been replaced with general literal selection functions that are complete for all classes of problems. - The automatic mode for selecting search heuristics has been improved. - Various minor bugfixes and changes. E 0.32 has been tested on all 3334 CNF problems of the TPTP problem library, version 2.2.0, and showed no unexpected behaviour. Results are available from the web site. E is available as a source distribution for UNIX-variants. It installs cleanly under all UNIX variants I could get my hands on: Various versions of GNU/Linux for Intel and SPARC, SunOS, Solaris and HPUX. E is distributed under the GNU General Public License. You can find the source distribution and additional information at Our servers are usually rebooted Monday mornings between 3:30 and 4:00 ME(S)Z, and may be unavailable during this time. Have fun! Stephan -------------------------- It can be done! --------------------------------- Please email me as (Stephan Schulz) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the announcement for version 0.5 of E. ---------------------------------------------- comp.os.linux.announce, gnu.announce, comp.theory, From: (Stephan Schulz) Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.announce Subject: E Equational Theorem Prover 0.5 "Phuguri" released Summary: Announcement of availability of the E thorem prover. Keywords: E, equational theorem proving, ATP Followup-To: The E equational theorem prover version 0.5 "Phuguri" has been released. Version 0.5 participated in two categories of the 1999 CADE ATP System Competition (, results are mirrored at and won fourth place in both. It won two of the five subdivisions of the prestigious MIX category. A prerelease version of E 0.5 was a major component of the E-SETHEO system that won MIX. E is a a purely equational theorem prover for clausal logic with equality. Thus, you can specify a mathematical problem (e.g. a mathematical puzzle), a (small) piece of program code or some hardware elements in clausal logic (using rules of the form "If A and B and C then D or E or F" in a PROLOG-like syntax), and try to have the system prove certain properties of the described structure. Be warned that this can consume inane (in fact, theoretically unlimited) amounts of CPU time and memory for difficult problems. E 0.5 has been tested on all 3334 CNF problems of the TPTP problem library, version 2.2.0, and showed no unexpected behaviour. Some results are available from the web site. E is available as a source distribution for UNIX-variants. It installs cleanly under all UNIX variants I could get my hands on: Various versions of GNU/Linux for Intel and SPARC, SunOS, Solaris and HPUX. E is distributed under the GNU General Public License. You can find the source distribution and additional information at Our servers are usually rebooted Monday mornings between 3:30 and 4:00 ME(S)Z, and may be unavailable during this time. Have fun! Stephan -------------------------- It can be done! --------------------------------- Please email me as (Stephan Schulz) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the announcement for version 0.6 of E. ---------------------------------------------- comp.os.linux.announce gnu.announce comp.theory,, From: (Stephan Schulz) Newsgroups: Subject: E Equational Theorem Prover 0.6 Kanchanjangha" released Summary: Announcement of availability of the E thorem prover. Keywords: E, equational theorem proving, ATP Followup-To: comp.theory The E equational theorem prover version 0.6 "Kanchanjangha" has been released. E is a a purely equational theorem prover for clausal logic with equality. Thus, you can specify a mathematical problem (e.g. a mathematical puzzle), a (small) piece of program code or some hardware elements in clausal logic (using rules of the form "If A and B and C then D or E or F" in a PROLOG-like syntax), and try to have the system prove certain properties of the described structure. Be warned that this can consume inane (in fact, theoretically unlimited) amounts of CPU time and memory for difficult problems. A prerelease version of E 0.6 "Kanchanjangha" participated in two of the five categories of the international CASC-17 theorem proving competition ( It won first place in the prestigious MIX category (clausal logic) and fourth place in the UEQ category (unit equality problems). E also was a major component in E-SETHEO, which won the SEM category and achieved a third place in FOF. The released version differs from the competition version only in minor ways and should show the same performance. E 0.6 has been tested on all CNF problems of the TPTP problem library, version 2.3.0, and showed no unexpected behaviour. Some results are available from the web site. The latest version also can produce checkable proof objects. E is available as a source distribution for UNIX-variants. It installs cleanly under all UNIX variants I could get my hands on: Various versions of GNU/Linux for Intel and SPARC, SunOS (with tweaking), Solaris and HPUX. The system is distributed under the GNU General Public License. You can find the source distribution and additional information at Our servers are usually rebooted Monday mornings between 3:30 and 4:00 ME(S)Z, and may be unavailable during this time. Have fun! Stephan -------------------------- It can be done! --------------------------------- Please email me as (Stephan Schulz) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the announcement for version 0.61 of E. ---------------------------------------------- comp.os.linux.announce gnu.announce comp.theory, seems to be obsolete From: (Stephan Schulz) Newsgroups: Subject: E Equational Theorem Prover 0.61 "North Tukvar" released Summary: Announcement of availability of the E thorem prover. Keywords: E, equational theorem proving, ATP Followup-To: comp.theory The E equational theorem prover version 0.61 "North Tukvar" has been released. E is a a purely equational theorem prover for clausal logic with equality. Thus, you can specify a mathematical problem (e.g. a mathematical puzzle), a (small) piece of program code or some hardware elements in clausal logic (using rules of the form "If A and B and C then D or E or F" in a PROLOG-like syntax), and try to have the system prove certain properties of the described structure. Be warned that this can consume inane (in fact, theoretically unlimited) amounts of CPU time and memory for difficult problems. E 0.61 has been carefully tested on all CNF problems of the TPTP problem library, version 2.3.0, and showed no unexpected behaviour. Some results are available from the web site. The prover can produce checkable proof objects, a simple proof checker is included in the distribution. E is available as a source distribution for UNIX-variants. It installs cleanly under all UNIX variants I could get my hands on: Various versions of GNU/Linux for Intel and SPARC, SunOS (with tweaking), Solaris and HPUX. The system is distributed under the GNU General Public License. You can find the source distribution and additional information at Our servers are usually rebooted Monday mornings between 3:30 and 4:00 ME(S)Z, and may be unavailable during this time. Have fun! Stephan -- -------------------------- It can be done! --------------------------------- Please email me as (Stephan Schulz) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the announcement for version 0.63 of E. ----------------------------------------------- comp.os.linux.announce gnu.announce comp.theory, From: (Stephan Schulz) Newsgroups: Subject: E Equational Theorem Prover 0.63 "Nuwara Eliya" released Summary: Announcement of availability of the E thorem prover. Keywords: E, equational theorem proving, ATP Followup-To: comp.theory The E equational theorem prover version 0.63 "Nuwara Eliya" has been released. E is a a purely equational theorem prover for clausal logic with equality. Thus, you can specify a mathematical problem (e.g. a mathematical puzzle), a (small) piece of program code or some hardware elements in clausal logic (using rules of the form "If A and B and C then D or E or F" in a PROLOG-like syntax), and try to have the system prove certain properties of the described structure. Be warned that this can consume inane (in fact, theoretically unlimited) amounts of CPU time and memory for difficult problems. E 0.63 has been carefully tested on all CNF problems of the TPTP problem library, version 2.4.1, and showed no unexpected behaviour. Some results are available from the web site. The prover can produce checkable proof objects, a simple proof checker is included in the distribution. E is available as a source distribution for UNIX-variants. It installs cleanly under all UNIX variants I could get my hands on: Various versions of GNU/Linux for Intel and SPARC, SunOS (with tweaking), Solaris and HPUX. The system is distributed under the GNU General Public License. You can find the source distribution and additional information at Our servers are usually rebooted Monday mornings between 3:30 and 4:00 ME(S)Z, and may be unavailable during this time. Have fun! Stephan -- -------------------------- It can be done! --------------------------------- Please email me as (Stephan Schulz) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the announcement for version 0.7 of E. ----------------------------------------------- comp.os.linux.announce gnu.announce comp.theory, From: (Stephan Schulz) Newsgroups: Subject: E Equational Theorem Prover 0.7 "Dhajea" released Summary: Announcement of availability of the E theorem prover. Keywords: E, equational theorem proving, ATP Followup-To: comp.theory The E equational theorem prover version 0.7 "Dhajea" has been released. E is a a purely equational theorem prover for clausal logic with equality. Thus, you can specify a mathematical problem (e.g. a mathematical puzzle), a (small) piece of program code or some hardware elements in clausal logic (using rules of the form "If A and B and C then D or E or F" in a PROLOG-like syntax), and try to have the system prove certain properties of the described structure. Be warned that this can consume inane (in fact, theoretically unlimited) amounts of CPU time and memory for difficult problems. E 0.7 has been carefully tested on all CNF problems of the TPTP problem library, version 2.4.1, and showed no unexpected behaviour. The prover can produce checkable proof objects, a simple proof checker is included in the distribution. Important changes are a much simplified rewrite engine, direct PCL2 support, a better automatic mode, and better memory control features. In automatic mode, this version should behave exactly like the prerelase version that participated in CASC-18. To achieve this, we have refrained from including a couple of more recent improvements. They will be included in E 0.71, due out in some weeks. E is available as a source distribution for UNIX-variants. It installs cleanly under all UNIX variants I could get my hands on: Various versions of GNU/Linux for Intel and SPARC, SunOS (with tweaking), Solaris and HPUX. The system is distributed under the GNU General Public License. You can find the source distribution and additional information at Our servers are usually rebooted Monday mornings between 3:30 and 4:00 CET, and may be unavailable during this time. Have fun! Stephan -- -------------------------- It can be done! --------------------------------- Please email me as (Stephan Schulz) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the announcement for version 0.71 of E. ----------------------------------------------- comp.os.linux.announce gnu.announce comp.theory, From: (Stephan Schulz) Newsgroups: Subject: E Equational Theorem Prover 0.71 "Puttabong" released Summary: Announcement of availability of the E theorem prover. Keywords: E, equational theorem proving, ATP Followup-To: comp.theory The E equational theorem prover version 0.71 "Puttabong" has been released. E is a a purely equational theorem prover for clausal logic with equality. Thus, you can specify a mathematical problem (e.g. a mathematical puzzle), a (small) piece of program code or some hardware elements in clausal logic (using rules of the form "If A and B and C then D or E or F" in a PROLOG-like syntax), and try to have the system prove certain properties of the described structure. Be warned that this can consume inane (in fact, theoretically unlimited) amounts of CPU time and memory for difficult problems. E 0.71 has been carefully tested on all CNF problems of the TPTP problem library, version 2.5.1, and showed no unexpected behaviour. The prover can produce checkable proof objects, a simple proof checker is included in the distribution. Important changes are the addition of equational definition unfolding, a lot of stronger heuristics, a much better automatic mode, and porting to MacOS-X. There also are some bug-fixes. For more details see the NEWS file on the download page. E is available as a source distribution for UNIX-variants. It installs cleanly under all UNIX variants I could get my hands on: Various versions of GNU/Linux for Intel and SPARC, SunOS (with tweaking), Solaris, HPUX and MacOS-X. Other peple have reported successful builds on a large number of other systems. The system is distributed under the GNU General Public License. You can find the source distribution and additional information at Have fun! Stephan -- -------------------------- It can be done! --------------------------------- Please email me as (Stephan Schulz) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the announcement for version 0.82 of E. ----------------------------------------------- comp.os.linux.announce gnu.announce comp.theory, From: (Stephan Schulz) Newsgroups: Subject: E Equational Theorem Prover 0.82 "Lung Ching" released Summary: Announcement of availability of the E theorem prover. Keywords: E, equational theorem proving, ATP Followup-To: comp.theory The E equational theorem prover version 0.82 "Lung Ching" has been released. Except for minor cleanup and documentation changes, this is the same version that ran in CASC-J2. E is a a purely equational theorem prover for first order logic with equality. Thus, you can specify a mathematical problem (e.g. a mathematical puzzle), a (small) piece of program code or some hardware elements in clausal logic (using rules of the form "If A and B and C then D or E or F" in a PROLOG-like syntax), and try to have the system prove certain properties of the described structure. Be warned that this can consume inane (in fact, theoretically unlimited) amounts of CPU time and memory for difficult problems. E 0.82 has been carefully tested on all problems of the TPTP problem library, version 2.6.0, and showed no unexpected behaviour. The prover can produce checkable proof objects, a simple proof checker for CNF proofs is included in the distribution. The most important user-visible change is the support of full first order logic (previous releases were restricted to clausal logic). There also are some bug-fixes and significantly increased performance for most problem classes. For more details see the NEWS file on the download page. E is available as a source distribution for UNIX-variants. It installs cleanly under all UNIX variants I could get my hands on: Various versions of GNU/Linux for Intel and SPARC, Solaris, HPUX and MacOS-X. Users have reported successful builds on a large number of other systems. The system is distributed under the GNU General Public License. You can find the source distribution and additional information at Have fun! Stephan -- -------------------------- It can be done! --------------------------------- Please email me as (Stephan Schulz) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the announcement for version 0.9 of E. ---------------------------------------------- comp.os.linux.announce gnu.announce comp.theory, From: (Stephan Schulz) Newsgroups: Subject: E Equational Theorem Prover 0.9 "Soom" released Summary: Announcement of availability of the E theorem prover. Keywords: E, equational theorem proving, ATP Followup-To: comp.theory The E equational theorem prover version 0.9 "Soom" has been released. Except for minor changes and documentation, this is the same version that ran in CASC-20 (there is a flag to exactly recreate CASC-20 behaviour).. E is a a purely equational theorem prover for first order logic with equality. E is available as a source distribution for UNIX-variants. It installs cleanly under all UNIX variants I could get my hands on: Various versions of GNU/Linux for Intel and SPARC, Solaris, HPUX and MacOS-X. Users have reported successful builds on a large number of other systems. The system is distributed under the GNU General Public License. You can find the source distribution and additional information at Have fun! Stephan -- -------------------------- It can be done! --------------------------------- Please email me as (Stephan Schulz) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the announcement for version 0.91 of E. ----------------------------------------------- comp.os.linux.announce gnu.announce comp.theory, From: (Stephan Schulz) Newsgroups: Subject: E Equational Theorem Prover 0.91 "Kanyam" released Summary: Announcement of availability of the E theorem prover. Keywords: E, equational theorem proving, ATP Followup-To: comp.theory The E equational theorem prover version 0.91 "Kanyam" has been released. E is a a purely equational theorem prover for full first order logic with equality. It has successfully competed in several CASC competitions and is generally considered a friendly and powerful system (as theorem provers go). The new version has an improved clause normal form converter that will work even on very demanding formulas, improved heuristics and search behaviour, and complies with the latest TPTP-3 syntax. E is available as a source distribution for UNIX-variants. It installs cleanly under all UNIX variants I could get my hands on: Various versions of GNU/Linux for Intel and SPARC, Solaris, HPUX and MacOS-X. Users have reported successful builds on a large number of other systems, including Windows/Cygwin. The system is distributed under the GNU General Public License. You can find the source distribution and additional information at Have fun! Stephan -- -------------------------- It can be done! --------------------------------- Please email me as (Stephan Schulz) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the announcement for version 0.99X of E. ----------------------------------------------- comp.os.linux.announce gnu.announce comp.theory, From: (Stephan Schulz) Newsgroups: Subject: E Equational Theorem Prover 0.99 "Singtom" released Summary: Announcement of availability of the E theorem prover. Keywords: E, equational theorem proving, ATP Followup-To: comp.theory E 0.99 "Singtom" is the latest version of the successful theorem prover for first order logic. E is a a purely equational theorem prover for full first order logic with equality. It has successfully competed in several CASC competitions and is generally considered a friendly and powerful system (as theorem provers go). The new version has (again) improved heuristics and search behaviour, better proof object generation, better clause splitting, and updates to comply with the latest TPTP-3 syntax. E is available as a source distribution for UNIX-variants. It installs cleanly under all UNIX variants I could get my hands on: Various versions of GNU/Linux for Intel and SPARC, Solaris, HPUX and MacOS-X. Users have reported successful builds on a large number of other systems, including Windows/Cygwin. The system is distributed under the GNU General Public License. You can find the source distribution and additional information at Have fun! Stephan -- -------------------------- It can be done! --------------------------------- Please email me as (Stephan Schulz) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the announcement for version 0.999 of E. ----------------------------------------------- comp.os.linux.announce gnu.announce comp.theory, From: (Stephan Schulz) Newsgroups: Subject: E Equational Theorem Prover 0.99 "Singtom" released Summary: Announcement of availability of the E theorem prover. Keywords: E, equational theorem proving, ATP Followup-To: comp.theory E 0.999 "Longview" is the latest version of the successful theorem prover for first order logic with equality. E is a a purely equational theorem prover for full first order logic with equality. It has successfully competed in several CASC competitions and is generally considered a friendly and powerful system (as theorem provers go). The new version has several improvements of the internal inference engine, bug fixes (especially to support tools that suffered from bit rot), and updates to comply with the latest TPTP-3 syntax. E is available as a source distribution for UNIX-variants. It installs cleanly under all UNIX variants I could get my hands on: Various versions of GNU/Linux for Intel and SPARC, Solaris, HPUX and MacOS-X. Users have reported successful builds on a large number of other systems, including Windows/Cygwin. The system is distributed under the GNU General Public License. You can find the source distribution and additional information at Have fun! Stephan -- -------------------------- It can be done! --------------------------------- Please email me as (Stephan Schulz) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the announcement for version 0.999-004 of E. ----------------------------------------------------- comp.os.linux.announce gnu.announce comp.theory, From: (Stephan Schulz) Newsgroups: Subject: E Equational Theorem Prover 0.99 "Singtom" released Summary: Announcement of availability of the E theorem prover. Keywords: E, equational theorem proving, ATP Followup-To: comp.theory E 0.999-004 "Longview2" is the latest version of the successful theorem prover for first order logic with equality. E is a a purely equational theorem prover for full first order logic with equality. It has successfully competed in several CASC competitions and is generally considered a friendly and powerful system (as theorem provers go). The new version fixes two longstanding memory corruption bugs, and has been update to comply with the latest TPTP-3 syntax. E is available as a source distribution for UNIX-variants. It installs cleanly under all UNIX variants I could get my hands on: Various versions of GNU/Linux for Intel and SPARC, Solaris, HPUX and MacOS-X. Users have reported successful builds on a large number of other systems, including Windows/Cygwin. The system is distributed under the GNU General Public License. You can find the source distribution and additional information at Have fun! Stephan -- -------------------------- It can be done! --------------------------------- Please email me as (Stephan Schulz) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the announcement for version 1.0 of E. ----------------------------------------------------- comp.os.linux.announce gnu.announce comp.theory, From: (Stephan Schulz) Newsgroups: Subject: E Equational Theorem Prover 1.0 "Temi" released Summary: Announcement of availability of the E theorem prover. Keywords: E, equational theorem proving, ATP Followup-To: comp.theory E 1.0 "Temi" is the latest version of the successful automated theorem prover. E is a theorem prover for full first order logic with equality. It has successfully competed in several CASC competitions and is generally considered a friendly and powerful system (as theorem provers go). The new version improves clausification, has a more GNU-like installation system, and has been updated to comply with the latest TPTP-3 syntax. E is available as a source distribution for UNIX-variants. It installs cleanly under all UNIX variants I could get my hands on: Various versions of GNU/Linux for Intel and SPARC, Solaris, HPUX and MacOS-X. Users have reported successful builds on a large number of other systems, including Windows/Cygwin. The system is distributed under the GNU General Public License. You can find the source distribution and additional information at Have fun! Stephan -- -------------------------- It can be done! --------------------------------- Please email me as (Stephan Schulz) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the announcement for version 1.1 of E. ----------------------------------------------------- comp.os.linux.announce gnu.announce comp.theory, From: (Stephan Schulz) Newsgroups: Subject: E Equational Theorem Prover 1.1 "Balasun" released Summary: Announcement of availability of the E theorem prover. Keywords: E, equational theorem proving, ATP Followup-To: comp.theory E 1.1 "Balasun" is the latest version of the successful automated theorem prover. E is a theorem prover for full first order logic with equality. It has successfully competed in several CASC competitions and is generally considered a friendly and powerful system (as theorem provers go). The new version adds several improvements in search behaviour and preprocessing and an improved automatic mode. It also comes with pre-build man pages (thanks to help2man). E is available as a source distribution for UNIX-variants. It installs cleanly under all UNIX variants I could get my hands on: Various versions of GNU/Linux for Intel, and XScale, Solaris on SPARC, and MacOS-X. Users have reported successful builds on a large number of other systems, including Windows/Cygwin. The system is distributed under the GNU General Public License. You can find the source distribution and additional information at Have fun! Stephan This is the announcement for version 1.2 of E. ----------------------------------------------------- comp.os.linux.announce gnu.announce comp.theory, From: (Stephan Schulz) Newsgroups: Subject: E Equational Theorem Prover 1.2 "Badamtam" released Summary: Announcement of availability of the E theorem prover. Keywords: E, equational theorem proving, ATP Followup-To: comp.theory E 1.2 "Badamtam" is the latest version of the successful automated theorem prover. E is a theorem prover for full first order logic with equality. It has successfully competed in several CASC competitions and is generally considered a friendly and powerful system (as theorem provers go). E has recently won the "overall best system" special award at CASC-J5. The new version has significantly improved in performance, added support for some new TPTP features, and fixed one serious bug E is available as a source distribution for UNIX-variants. It installs cleanly under all UNIX variants I could get my hands on: Various versions of GNU/Linux for Intel, and XScale, Solaris on SPARC, and MacOS-X. Users have reported successful builds on a large number of other systems, including Windows/Cygwin. The system is dual-licenses under the GNU General Public License and the GNU Lesser General Public License. You can find the source distribution and additional information at Have fun! Stephan -- -------------------------- It can be done! --------------------------------- Please email me as (Stephan Schulz) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the announcement for version 1.3 of E. ----------------------------------------------------- comp.os.linux.announce gnu.announce comp.theory, From: (Stephan Schulz) Newsgroups: Subject: E Equational Theorem Prover 1.3 "Ringtong" released Summary: Announcement of availability of the E theorem prover. Keywords: E, equational theorem proving, ATP Followup-To: comp.theory E 1.3 "Ringtong" is the latest version of the successful automated theorem prover. E is a theorem prover for full first order logic with equality. It has successfully competed in several CASC competitions and is generally considered a friendly and powerful system (as theorem provers go). E has won the "overall best system" special award at CASC-J5. The new version features improved performance in automatic mode, a more efficient clausifier, and supports the proposed TPTP question/answer extension that returns answer substitutions for existentially quantified variables in queries. E is available as a source distribution for UNIX-variants. It installs cleanly under all UNIX variants I could get my hands on: Various versions of GNU/Linux for Intel, and XScale, Solaris on SPARC, and MacOS-X. Users have reported successful builds on a large number of other systems, including Windows/Cygwin. The system is dual-licensed under the GNU General Public License and the GNU Lesser General Public License. You can find the source distribution and additional information at the new E website at Have fun! Stephan -- -------------------------- It can be done! --------------------------------- Please email me as (Stephan Schulz) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the announcement for version 1.4 of E. ----------------------------------------------------- From: (Stephan Schulz) Subject: E Equational Theorem Prover 1.4 "Namring" released E 1.4 "Namring" is the latest version of the successful automated theorem prover. E is a theorem prover for full first order logic with equality. It has successfully competed in several CASC competitions and is generally considered a friendly and powerful system (as theorem provers go). E has won the "overall best system" special award at CASC-J5 and the CNF category at CASC-23. The new version features improved performance in automatic mode and a number of minor cleanups, especially in the output of answers instantiations. E is available as a source distribution for UNIX-variants. It installs cleanly under all UNIX variants I could get my hands on: Various versions of GNU/Linux for Intel, and XScale, Solaris on SPARC, and MacOS-X. Users have reported successful builds on a large number of other systems, including Windows/Cygwin. The system is dual-licensed under the GNU General Public License and the GNU Lesser General Public License. You can find the source distribution and additional information at the new E website at Have fun! Stephan -- -------------------------- It can be done! --------------------------------- Please email me as (Stephan Schulz) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------