#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # File : GRP175-3 : TPTP v2.1.0. Bugfixed v1.2.1. # Domain : Group Theory (Lattice Ordered) # Problem : Positivity is preserved under inner automorphisms # Version : [Fuc94] (equality) axioms. # Theorem formulation : Variant, and using different definitions # for =<. # English : # Refs : [Fuc94] Fuchs (1994), The Application of Goal-Orientated Heuri # : [Sch95] Schulz (1995), Explanation Based Learning for Distribu # Source : [Sch95] # Names : p06c [Sch95] # Status : unsatisfiable # Rating : 0.20 v2.1.0, 0.14 v2.0.0 # Syntax : Number of clauses : 17 ( 0 non-Horn; 17 unit; 2 RR) # Number of literals : 17 ( 17 equality) # Maximal clause size : 1 ( 1 average) # Number of predicates : 1 ( 0 propositional; 2-2 arity) # Number of functors : 7 ( 3 constant; 0-2 arity) # Number of variables : 33 ( 2 singleton) # Maximal term depth : 4 ( 2 average) # Comments : ORDERING LPO inverse > product > greatest_lower_bound > # least_upper_bound > identity > a > b # : tptp2X -f setheo:sign -t rm_equality:rstfp GRP175-3.p # Bugfixes : v1.2.1 - Duplicate axioms in GRP004-2.ax removed. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # left_identity, axiom. equal(multiply(identity, X), X) <- . # left_inverse, axiom. equal(multiply(inverse(X), X), identity) <- . # associativity, axiom. equal(multiply(multiply(X, Y), Z), multiply(X, multiply(Y, Z))) <- . # symmetry_of_glb, axiom. equal(greatest_lower_bound(X, Y), greatest_lower_bound(Y, X)) <- . # symmetry_of_lub, axiom. equal(least_upper_bound(X, Y), least_upper_bound(Y, X)) <- . # associativity_of_glb, axiom. equal(greatest_lower_bound(X, greatest_lower_bound(Y, Z)), greatest_lower_bound(greatest_lower_bound(X, Y), Z)) <- . # associativity_of_lub, axiom. equal(least_upper_bound(X, least_upper_bound(Y, Z)), least_upper_bound(least_upper_bound(X, Y), Z)) <- . # idempotence_of_lub, axiom. equal(least_upper_bound(X, X), X) <- . # idempotence_of_gld, axiom. equal(greatest_lower_bound(X, X), X) <- . # lub_absorbtion, axiom. equal(least_upper_bound(X, greatest_lower_bound(X, Y)), X) <- . # glb_absorbtion, axiom. equal(greatest_lower_bound(X, least_upper_bound(X, Y)), X) <- . # monotony_lub1, axiom. equal(multiply(X, least_upper_bound(Y, Z)), least_upper_bound(multiply(X, Y), multiply(X, Z))) <- . # monotony_glb1, axiom. equal(multiply(X, greatest_lower_bound(Y, Z)), greatest_lower_bound(multiply(X, Y), multiply(X, Z))) <- . # monotony_lub2, axiom. equal(multiply(least_upper_bound(Y, Z), X), least_upper_bound(multiply(Y, X), multiply(Z, X))) <- . # monotony_glb2, axiom. equal(multiply(greatest_lower_bound(Y, Z), X), greatest_lower_bound(multiply(Y, X), multiply(Z, X))) <- . # p06c_1, hypothesis. equal(least_upper_bound(identity, b), b) <- . # prove_p06c, conjecture. <- equal(greatest_lower_bound(identity, multiply(inverse(a), multiply(b, a))), identity). #--------------------------------------------------------------------------