#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # File : LCL093-1 : TPTP v2.1.0. Released v1.0.0. # Domain : Logic Calculi (Implicational propositional) # Problem : IC-4 depends on the 5th Lukasiewicz axiom # Version : [TPTP] axioms. # English : Axiomatisations of the Implicational propositional calculus # are {IC-2,IC-3,IC-4} by Tarski-Bernays and single Lukasiewicz # axioms.Show that IC-4 depends on the fifth Lukasiewicz axiom. # Refs : [Luk48] Lukasiewicz (1948), The Shortest Axiom of the Implicat # : [Pfe88] Pfenning (1988), Single Axioms in the Implicational Pr # Source : [TPTP] # Names : # Status : unsatisfiable # Rating : 0.78 v2.1.0, 0.88 v2.0.0 # Syntax : Number of clauses : 3 ( 0 non-Horn; 2 unit; 2 RR) # Number of literals : 5 ( 0 equality) # Maximal clause size : 3 ( 1 average) # Number of predicates : 1 ( 0 propositional; 1-1 arity) # Number of functors : 4 ( 3 constant; 0-2 arity) # Number of variables : 7 ( 2 singleton) # Maximal term depth : 5 ( 2 average) # Comments : # : tptp2X -f setheo:sign -t rm_equality:rstfp LCL093-1.p #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # condensed_detachment, axiom. is_a_theorem(Y) <- is_a_theorem(implies(X, Y)), is_a_theorem(X). # ic_JLukasiewicz_5, axiom. is_a_theorem(implies(implies(implies(P, Q), implies(R, S)), implies(implies(S, P), implies(T, implies(R, P))))) <- . # prove_ic_4, conjecture. <- is_a_theorem(implies(implies(a, b), implies(implies(b, c), implies(a, c)))). #--------------------------------------------------------------------------