%-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % File : LCL018-1 : TPTP v2.1.0. Released v1.0.0. % Domain : Logic Calculi (Equivalential) % Problem : PYO depends on PYM % Version : [McC92] axioms. % English : Show that the single Meredith axiom PYO can be derived from % the single Meredith axiom PYM. % Refs : [MW92] McCune & Wos (1992), Experiments in Automated Deductio % : [McC92] McCune (1992), Email to G. Sutcliffe % : [Wos95] Wos (1995), Searching for Circles of Pure Proofs % Source : [McC92] % Names : EC-81 [MW92] % Status : unsatisfiable % Rating : 0.89 v2.1.0, 0.88 v2.0.0 % Syntax : Number of clauses : 3 ( 0 non-Horn; 2 unit; 2 RR) % Number of literals : 5 ( 0 equality) % Maximal clause size : 3 ( 1 average) % Number of predicates : 1 ( 0 propositional; 1-1 arity) % Number of functors : 4 ( 3 constant; 0-2 arity) % Number of variables : 5 ( 0 singleton) % Maximal term depth : 5 ( 2 average) % Comments : % : tptp2X -f tptp -t rm_equality:rstfp LCL018-1.p %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- input_clause(condensed_detachment,axiom, [-- is_a_theorem(equivalent(X, Y)), -- is_a_theorem(X), ++ is_a_theorem(Y)]). input_clause(pym,axiom, [++ is_a_theorem(equivalent(equivalent(equivalent(X, equivalent(Y, Z)), Y), equivalent(Z, X)))]). input_clause(prove_pyo,conjecture, [-- is_a_theorem(equivalent(equivalent(equivalent(a, equivalent(b, c)), c), equivalent(b, a)))]). %--------------------------------------------------------------------------