#------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # File : Makefile for library of learning algorithms # # Author: Stephan Schulz # # Changes # # <1> Mon Feb 16 01:04:12 MET 1998 # New # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ include ../Makefile.vars # Project specific variables PROJECT = HEURISTICS LIB = $(PROJECT).a all: $(LIB) depend: *.c *.h $(MAKEDEPEND) # Remove all automatically generated files clean: @touch does_exist.o does_exist.a; rm *.o *.a @echo Removed compiled files # Services (provided by the master Makefile) include ../Makefile.services HEURISTICS_LIB = che_wfcb.o che_wfcbadmin.o \ che_axiomscan.o \ che_clausefeatures.o che_prio_funs.o \ che_clausesetfeatures.o che_clauseweight.o \ che_refinedweight.o \ che_varweights.o \ che_funweights.o \ che_orientweight.o \ che_fifo.o che_lifo.o \ che_learning.o \ che_simweight.o che_hcb.o \ che_litselection.o \ che_proofcontrol.o \ che_hcbadmin.o \ che_heuristics.o \ che_fcode_featurearrays.o\ che_to_weightgen.o che_to_precgen.o \ che_to_autoselect.o \ che_axfilter.o $(LIB): $(HEURISTICS_LIB) $(AR) $(LIB) $(HEURISTICS_LIB) include Makefile.dependencies