/*----------------------------------------------------------------------- File : cio_scanner.h Author: Stephan Schulz Contents Datatypes for the scanner: TokenType, TokenCell, TokenRepCell Copyright 1998, 1999 by the author. This code is released under the GNU General Public Licence and the GNU Lesser General Public License. See the file COPYING in the main E directory for details.. Run "eprover -h" for contact information. Changes <1> Thu Aug 28 01:48:03 MET DST 1997 New -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifndef CIO_SCANNER #define CIO_SCANNER #include #include #include #include /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Data type declarations */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Possible token type. This used to be a nice enum, but that restriced the set to no more than 32 distinct tokens. As a n unsigned long long, we can accomodate at least 64 tokens. Note that it is possible to define additional classes consisting of more than one particular token (see e.g. SkipToken). If this list is extended, you also need to extend token_print_rep[] in cio_scanner.c. */ typedef unsigned long long TokenType; #define NoToken 1LL #define WhiteSpace (2*NoToken) #define Comment (2*WhiteSpace) #define Ident (2*Comment) #define Idnum (2*Ident) #define SemIdent (2*Idnum) #define String (2*SemIdent) #define SQString (2*String) #define PosInt (2*SQString) #define OpenBracket (2*PosInt) #define CloseBracket (2*OpenBracket) #define OpenCurly (2*CloseBracket) #define CloseCurly (2*OpenCurly) #define OpenSquare (2*CloseCurly) #define CloseSquare (2*OpenSquare) #define LesserSign (2*CloseSquare) #define GreaterSign (2*LesserSign) #define EqualSign (2*GreaterSign) #define NegEqualSign (2*EqualSign) #define TildeSign (2*NegEqualSign) #define Exclamation (2*TildeSign) #define AllQuantor (Exclamation) #define QuestionMark (2*Exclamation) #define ExistQuantor (QuestionMark) #define Comma (2*QuestionMark) #define Semicolon (2*Comma) #define Colon (2*Semicolon) #define Hyphen (2*Colon) #define Plus (2*Hyphen) #define Mult (2*Plus) #define Fullstop (2*Mult) #define Dollar (2*Fullstop) #define Slash (2*Dollar) #define Pipe (2*Slash) #define FOFOr (Pipe) #define Ampersand (2*Pipe) #define FOFAnd (Ampersand) #define FOFLRImpl (2*Ampersand) #define FOFRLImpl (2*FOFLRImpl) #define FOFEquiv (2*FOFRLImpl) #define FOFXor (2*FOFEquiv) #define FOFNand (2*FOFXor) #define FOFNor (2*FOFNand) #define SkipToken (WhiteSpace | Comment) #define Identifier (Ident | Idnum) #define Name (Identifier | String) #define FOFBinOp (FOFAnd|FOFOr|FOFLRImpl|FOFRLImpl|FOFEquiv|FOFXor|FOFNand|FOFNor) #define FOFAssocOp (FOFAnd|FOFOr) /* If your application parses multiple format you can use this to distinguish them: */ typedef enum { LOPFormat, TPTPFormat, TSTPFormat }IOFormat; typedef struct tokenrepcell { TokenType key; char* rep; }TokenRepCell, *TokenRep_p; typedef struct tokencell { TokenType tok; /* Type for AcceptTok(), TestTok() ... */ DStr_p literal; /* Verbatim copy of input for the token */ unsigned long numval; /* Numerical value (if any) of the token */ DStr_p comment; /* Accumulated preceding comments */ bool skipped; /* Was this token preceded by SkipSpace? */ DStr_p source; /* Ref. to the input stream source */ StreamType stream_type; /* File or string? */ long line; /* Position in this stream */ long column; /* " " */ }TokenCell, *Token_p; #define MAXTOKENLOOKAHEAD 4 typedef struct scannercell { Stream_p source; /* Input stack from which to read */ DStr_p default_dir; /* Directory we read from, if any */ IOFormat format; DStr_p accu; /* Place for Multi-Token constructs or messages */ bool ignore_comments; /* Comments can be skipped * completely. If not set, comments * are accumulated (but never * delivered as tokens) */ char* include_key; /* An Identifier, e.g. "include" */ TokenCell tok_sequence[MAXTOKENLOOKAHEAD]; /* Need help? Bozo! */ int current; /* Pointer to current token in tok_sequence */ char* include_pos; /* If created by "include", by which one? */ }ScannerCell, *Scanner_p; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Exported Functions and Variables */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define TokenCellAlloc() (TokenCell*)SizeMalloc(sizeof(TokenCell)) #define TokenCellFree(junk) SizeFree(junk, sizeof(TokenCell)) #define ScannerCellAlloc() (ScannerCell*)SizeMalloc(sizeof(ScannerCell)) #define ScannerCellFree(junk) SizeFree(junk, sizeof(ScannerCell)) #define Source(scanner) (((scanner)->source)->source) #define SourceType(scanner) (((scanner)->source)->stream_type) #define LookChar(scanner, look) StreamLookChar((scanner)->source, look) #define CurrChar(scanner) StreamCurrChar((scanner)->source) #define CurrLine(scanner) StreamCurrLine((scanner)->source) #define CurrColumn(scanner) StreamCurrColumn((scanner)->source) #define NextChar(scanner) StreamNextChar((scanner)->source) #define ScannerSetFormat(scanner, fmt) ((scanner)->format = (fmt)) #define ScannerGetFormat(scanner) ((scanner)->format) #define ScannerGetDefaultDir(scanner) DStrView((scanner)->default_dir) #define isstartidchar(ch) (isalpha(ch) || (ch) == '_') #define isidchar(ch) (isalnum(ch) || (ch) == '_') #define ischar(ch) ((ch)!=EOF) #define isstartcomment(ch) ((ch)=='#' || (ch)=='%') char* PosRep(StreamType type, DStr_p file, long line, long column); char* TokenPosRep(Token_p token); char* DescribeToken(TokenType token); void PrintToken(FILE* out, Token_p token); Scanner_p CreateScanner(StreamType type, char *name, bool ignore_comments, char *default_dir); void DestroyScanner(Scanner_p junk); #define TOKENREALPOS(pos) ((pos) % MAXTOKENLOOKAHEAD) #define AktToken(in) (&((in)->tok_sequence[(in)->current])) #define AktTokenType(in) (AktToken(in)->tok) #define LookToken(in,look) \ (&((in)->tok_sequence[TOKENREALPOS((in)->current+(look))])) bool TestTok(Token_p akt, TokenType toks); bool TestId(Token_p akt, char* ids); bool TestIdnum(Token_p akt, char* ids); #define TestInpTok(in, toks) TestTok(AktToken(in), (toks)) #define TestInpId(in, ids) TestId(AktToken(in), (ids)) #define TestInpIdnum(in, ids) TestIdnum(AktToken(in), (ids)) #define TestInpNoSkip(in) (!(AktToken(in)->skipped)) #define TestInpTokNoSkip(in, toks) \ (TestInpNoSkip(in) && TestInpTok(in, toks)) VOLATILE void AktTokenError(Scanner_p in, char* msg, bool syserr); void CheckInpTok(Scanner_p in, TokenType toks); void CheckInpTokNoSkip(Scanner_p in, TokenType toks); void CheckInpId(Scanner_p in, char* ids); #define AcceptInpTok(in, toks) CheckInpTok((in), (toks));\ NextToken(in) #define AcceptInpTokNoSkip(in, toks) \ CheckInpTokNoSkip((in), (toks));\ NextToken(in) #define AcceptInpId(in, ids) CheckInpId((in), (ids));\ NextToken(in) void NextToken(Scanner_p in); Scanner_p ScannerParseInclude(Scanner_p in, StrTree_p *name_selector, StrTree_p *skip_includes); #endif /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* End of File */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/