Knowledge base: Which clause encoding? Negative example proportion Negative examples from negative examples? Version Problem list (name <--> number <---> feature vector) Axiom sets (Specification, in pattern form) Potentially common axiomatization Which symbols are kept fixed (Signature) Annotated term list Learning Strategy: Load fixed symbols from file into learn-sig, copy them into general sig. Use preinitialized pattern-subst in OCB (may not be necessary...). Set-builder: 1) Read signature 2) Read existing set 3) Read read new set, transform into annotated patterns, for each pattern check if it exists (if yes, append annotation, if not, insert new term) (problem number value is a parameter) Knowledge-Base: description signature examples clausepatterns FILES ekb_create -p prop -n number: 1) mkdir name 2) write description 3) touch signature 4) touch examples 5) touch clausepatterns 6) mkdir FILES Finding the correct limit for optimal classification: 1) Find the average evaluation of input terms. Use this to count positive and negative term nodes. 2) Flatten the term set and find the median for part (pos/(pos+neg)).