% The conjecture was proved by E 1.2, but it was not proved by E 1.3 % or E 1.4 using the command % $ eprover --tstp-format --cpu-limit=180 -mAuto -xAuto -tAuto regression.tptp %----------------------------------------------------------------------------- % This file was generated automatically by agda2atp version 0.9. %----------------------------------------------------------------------------- %----------------------------------------------------------------------------- % The common required definitions. % End common required definitions. %----------------------------------------------------------------------------- % The general axioms. % The original Agda term was: % Name: PA.Axiomatic.Mendelson.Base.S₁ % Role: axiom % Position: /home/asr/code/phd/FOT/src/PA/Axiomatic/Mendelson/Base.agda:57,3-5 fof(n12_250877945, axiom, ( ! [A] : ( ! [B] : ( ! [C] : ( ( kAppP2(n_8784_,A,B) ) => ( ( kAppP2(n_8784_,A,C) ) => ( kAppP2(n_8784_,B,C) ) ) ) ) ) )). % The original Agda term was: % Name: PA.Axiomatic.Mendelson.Base.S₂ % Role: axiom % Position: /home/asr/code/phd/FOT/src/PA/Axiomatic/Mendelson/Base.agda:58,3-5 fof(n15_250877945, axiom, ( ! [A] : ( ! [B] : ( ( kAppP2(n_8784_,A,B) ) => ( kAppP2(n_8784_,kAppFn(succ,A),kAppFn(succ,B)) ) ) ) )). % The original Agda term was: % Name: PA.Axiomatic.Mendelson.Base.S₃ % Role: axiom % Position: /home/asr/code/phd/FOT/src/PA/Axiomatic/Mendelson/Base.agda:59,3-5 fof(n17_250877945, axiom, ( ! [A] : ( ~( kAppP2(n_8784_,zero,kAppFn(succ,A)) ) ) )). % The original Agda term was: % Name: PA.Axiomatic.Mendelson.Base.S₄ % Role: axiom % Position: /home/asr/code/phd/FOT/src/PA/Axiomatic/Mendelson/Base.agda:60,3-5 fof(n20_250877945, axiom, ( ! [A] : ( ! [B] : ( ( kAppP2(n_8784_,kAppFn(succ,A),kAppFn(succ,B)) ) => ( kAppP2(n_8784_,A,B) ) ) ) )). % The original Agda term was: % Name: PA.Axiomatic.Mendelson.Base.S₅ % Role: axiom % Position: /home/asr/code/phd/FOT/src/PA/Axiomatic/Mendelson/Base.agda:61,3-5 fof(n22_250877945, axiom, ( ! [A] : ( kAppP2(n_8784_,kAppFn(kAppFn(n43,zero),A),A) ) )). % The original Agda term was: % Name: PA.Axiomatic.Mendelson.Base.S₆ % Role: axiom % Position: /home/asr/code/phd/FOT/src/PA/Axiomatic/Mendelson/Base.agda:62,3-5 fof(n25_250877945, axiom, ( ! [A] : ( ! [B] : ( kAppP2(n_8784_,kAppFn(kAppFn(n43,kAppFn(succ,A)),B),kAppFn(succ,kAppFn(kAppFn(n43,A),B))) ) ) )). % The original Agda term was: % Name: PA.Axiomatic.Mendelson.Base.S₇ % Role: axiom % Position: /home/asr/code/phd/FOT/src/PA/Axiomatic/Mendelson/Base.agda:63,3-5 fof(n27_250877945, axiom, ( ! [A] : ( kAppP2(n_8784_,kAppFn(kAppFn(n42,zero),A),zero) ) )). % The original Agda term was: % Name: PA.Axiomatic.Mendelson.Base.S₈ % Role: axiom % Position: /home/asr/code/phd/FOT/src/PA/Axiomatic/Mendelson/Base.agda:64,3-5 fof(n30_250877945, axiom, ( ! [A] : ( ! [B] : ( kAppP2(n_8784_,kAppFn(kAppFn(n42,kAppFn(succ,A)),B),kAppFn(kAppFn(n43,B),kAppFn(kAppFn(n42,A),B))) ) ) )). % End general axioms. %----------------------------------------------------------------------------- % The required ATP definitions by the general axioms. % End required ATP definitions by the general axioms. %----------------------------------------------------------------------------- % The general hints. % End general hints. %----------------------------------------------------------------------------- % The required ATP definitions by the general hints. % End required ATP definitions by the general hints. %----------------------------------------------------------------------------- % The local hints. % The original Agda term was: % Name: Draft.PA.Axiomatic.Mendelson.AssocAdditionATP.+-leftCong % Role: hint % Position: /home/asr/code/phd/FOT/Draft/PA/Axiomatic/Mendelson/AssocAdditionATP.agda:10,11-21 fof(n8_260290675, hypothesis, ( ! [A] : ( ! [B] : ( ! [C] : ( ( kAppP2(n_8784_,A,B) ) => ( kAppP2(n_8784_,kAppFn(kAppFn(n43,A),C),kAppFn(kAppFn(n43,B),C)) ) ) ) ) )). % End local hints. %----------------------------------------------------------------------------- % The required ATP definitions by the local hints. % End required ATP definitions by the local hints. %----------------------------------------------------------------------------- % The required ATP definitions by the conjecture. % The original Agda term was: % Name: Draft.PA.Axiomatic.Mendelson.AssocAdditionATP._.P % Role: definition % Position: /home/asr/code/phd/FOT/Draft/PA/Axiomatic/Mendelson/AssocAdditionATP.agda:15,3-4 fof(n18_260290675, definition, ( ! [A] : ( ! [B] : ( ! [C] : ( ! [D] : ( ( kAppP4(p_18_260290675,A,B,C,D) ) <=> ( kAppP2(n_8784_,kAppFn(kAppFn(n43,kAppFn(kAppFn(n43,D),B)),C),kAppFn(kAppFn(n43,D),kAppFn(kAppFn(n43,B),C))) ) ) ) ) ) )). % End required ATP definitions by the conjecture. %----------------------------------------------------------------------------- % The conjecture. % The original Agda term was: % Name: Draft.PA.Axiomatic.Mendelson.AssocAdditionATP._.is % Role: prove % Position: /home/asr/code/phd/FOT/Draft/PA/Axiomatic/Mendelson/AssocAdditionATP.agda:22,13-15 fof(n22_260290675, conjecture, ( ! [A] : ( ! [B] : ( ! [C] : ( ! [D] : ( ( kAppP4(p_18_260290675,A,B,C,D) ) => ( kAppP4(p_18_260290675,A,B,C,kAppFn(succ,D)) ) ) ) ) ) )). % End conjecture. % End ATP pragma conjecture file.