#!/sw/bin/gawk -f # Usage: adapt_testfile.awk # # Copyright 1998-2002 Stephan Schulz, schulz@informatik.tu-muenchen.de # # Take a test run specification file (a "tptp_*" file) and set the # correct pathes for the current test setup. # # ----------% Here starteth the generic stuff % ------------- # # Similar to C assert() function assert(val, comment) { if(!val) { print "Assertion fail: " comment > "/dev/stderr"; exit 1; } } # Return the result of a single, simple shell command yieding exactly # one line function get_shell_res(cmd, tmp) { cmd | getline tmp; close(cmd); assert(tmp, "No result found (get_shell_res)"); return tmp; } # Get the host name function get_hostname( tmp) { tmp = get_shell_res("hostname"); return tmp; } # ----------% Here starteth the local stuff % ------------- # function get_cluster_name( pipe, tmp) { tmp = get_hostname(); if(match(tmp, /sunjessen.*/)) { return "sunjessen"; } else if(match(tmp, /sunhalle.*/)) { return "sunhalle"; } else if(match(tmp, /athalle.*/)) { return "athalle"; } else if(match(tmp, /lxjessen.*/)) { return "lxjessen"; } return 0; } BEGIN{ sunhallepath = "/usr/wiss/schulz/home_sun/EPROVER"; athallepath = "/home/nfshalle/wiss/schulz/home_at/home_sun/EPROVER"; otherpath = "/home/schulz/EPROVER"; cl = get_cluster_name(); if(cl=="sunhalle") { path = sunhallepath; db_limit="150000000"; } else if(cl=="athalle") { path = athallepath; db_limit="100000000"; } else { path = otherpath; db_limit="100000000"; } } { sub(sunhallepath, path); sub(athallepath, path); sub(otherpath, path); sub(/delete-bad-limit=[^ ]*/,"delete-bad-limit=" db_limit); print $0; }