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  • 2018
  • 2017
    • March
      • Note to Self: Sendmail smart_host with authentication
        Just lost an hour or so for a simple task: Configuring sendmail to use smart_host with authentication on CentOS7.

        TL;DR: "AUTH=client, available mechanisms do not fulfill requirements" just needed a "yum install cyrus-sasl-plain"

        I started with configuring

  • 2015
    • October
      • ZFS-Live-CD based on Fedora-Live-CD
        Since there was no sysresccd with current ZoL modules available I looked around for an alternative.
        At I found a recipe for a custom Fedora-Live-CD.

        Follow these steps to create a ZFS-Live-CD:
        (I used a Fedora-Live-Xfce-x86_64-21-5

  • 2012
    • July
      • pySerial Web-Interface
        After building the iPad-serial-to-Cisco-console-management-cable I decided that using minicom was a bit unhandy.

        So i hacked together a bit of python with pySerial and added some lines of HTML and Javascript:


        ip = ""
    • June
      • iPad/iPhone serial to Cisco console management cable
        There are a couple of pages on the net, describing how to build a serial cable for jailbroken iDevices, e.g. iPhone serial port or Console to routers using the iPad.


        So I will just summarize, what I have used:

        I started with this nice mini RS232 levels to TTL

      • Get things started
        After building a serial cable for my iPad to configure Cisco switches I also hacked together a small python-script and a webpage for easier usage.
        Details for building the serial cable and the code for the web2serial python script will follow shortly.