Stefan Gehrig's Homepage

Materials for my DHBW lecture on Digital Image Processing can be found here:

Manuscript to the Lecture "Digitale Bildverarbeitung" (SS 2019) (accompanying exercises)

Slides for Chapter 1 - Introduction (SS 2019)

Slides for Chapter 6 - Correlation

Slides for Chapter 6 - Stereo

Slides for Chapter 6 - Stereo Applications


Currently, I am working at the Mercedes Benz AG in Stuttgart area on Image Understanding for Autonomous Driving. Most of my work deals with stereo vision, its fusion with motion, called 6D-Vision and deep learning. Datasets from the 6D-vision space can be found here.

In 2000, I completed my PhD thesis at the University of Tuebingen. My advisor was Prof. Ruder from the
Computational Physics Department at the University of Tuebingen. The research was about scene understanding for an autonomous car using stereo vision. A pdf-version of my dissertation can be found here.

At Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, I completed my master's studies in High Energy Physics. I worked on the BaBar experiment at SLAC.

In 2002, I also started giving lectures on Image Processing at the Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University Stuttgart (see top).


My Publication List and Short Bio

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Contact Stefan Gehrig preferably via email: (stefan (dot) lastname (at) gmail (dot) com)