Decorative horizontal line

Research Interests

I am working in the field of automated reasoning. Among my interests are efficient algorithms and intelligent search control for automatic theorem proving. My long-term goal is the integration of high-performance inference mechanism and machine learning techniques to provide a system that can robustly reason in a wide variety of domains.

  1. DHBW Stuttgart

  2. Fakultät Technik

  3. Lerchenstraße 1

  4. Raum B 3.14

  5. D-70174 Stuttgart



  8. GPG public key

  9. DHBW Website

Stack of Books
E logo


I try to keep all of my papers and other publications online in my hand-curated bibliography. Google Scholar does a better job of keeping my profile page up to date and also computes various indices and citation counts.

Hawaiian rock art representing Person
Conference logo
CADE logo

The Theorem Prover E

Many of the results of my research are embodied in E, a theorem prover for full first-order logic with equality. E has performed well in most CASC competitions and has won a number of prizes.

  1. The main E website is at

  2. The development website has detailed information for some papers and work in progress

  3. A short description is on Wikipedia - take it with the usual caution

Scientific Meetings

Current and upcoming:

  1. 15th IWIL (2024) (PC co-chair)

  2. 25th LPAR (2024) (PC member)

  3. 12th IJCAR (2024) (PC member)

  4. Quantify-24 (PC member)

  5. 9th PAAR (2024) (PC member)

  6. 9th AITP (2024) (PC co-chair)

Workshop and conference series I am significantly involved with:

  1. IJCAR Workshops on Practical Aspects of Automated Reasoning (9th PAAR)

  2. Workshops on Empirically Successful Topics in Automated Deduction

  3. International Workshop on the Implementation of Logics (15th lWIL)

  4. Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Theorem Proving (9th AITP)


Below are links to the course material for courses I have taught over the years.

  1. University of Miami 2002: CSC322 - C Programming and UNIX

  2. University of Miami 2002: CSC519 - Programming Languages

  3. Mona Institute of Applied Sciences 2005: CS63Z: Formal Methods in Software Engineering

  4. Universität Hildesheim 2009: Theoretische Grundlagen des Software Engineering

  5. INRIA and MPI 2009: Implementation of First-Order Theorem Provers

  6. CADE-25: Tutorial - 25th Anniversary of Superposition

  7. DHBW Stuttgart

  8. Formal Languages and Automata 2014 (German Language)

  9. Logic and Foundations of Computer Science 2014/15 (German Language)

  10. Compiler Construction 2015 (German Language)

  11. Algorithms 2015 (German Language)

  12. Formal Languages and Automata 2015 (German Language)

  13. Logic and Foundations of Computer Science 2015/16 (German Language)

  14. Compiler Construction 2016 (German Language)

  15. Algorithms 2016 (German Language)

  16. Formal Languages and Automata 2016 (German Language)

  17. Logic and Foundations of Computer Science 2016/17 (German Language)

  18. Compiler Construction 2017 (German Language)

  19. Algorithms 2017 (German Language)

  20. Formal Languages and Automata 2017 (German Language)

  21. Logic and Foundations of Computer Science 2017/18 (German Language)

  22. Compiler Construction 2018 (German Language)

  23. Algorithms 2018 (German Language)

  24. Formal Languages and Automata 2018 (German Language)

  25. Logic and Foundations of Computer Science 2018/19 (German Language)

  26. Algorithms 2019 (German Language)

  27. Formal Languages and Automata 2019 (German Language)

  28. Logic and Foundations of Computer Science 2019/20 (German Language)

  29. Algorithms 2020 (German Language)

  30. Formal Languages and Automata 2020 (German Language)

  31. Logic and Foundations of Computer Science 2020/21 (German Language)

  32. Algorithms 2021 (German Language)

  33. Formal Languages and Automata 2021 (German Language)

  34. Logic and Foundations of Computer Science 2021/22 (German Language)

  35. Algorithms 2022 (German Language)

  36. Formal Languages and Automata 2022 (German Language)

  37. Logic and Foundations of Computer Science 2022/23 (German Language)

  38. Algorithms 2023 (German Language)

  39. Formal Languages and Automata 2023 (German Language)

  40. Logic and Foundations of Computer Science 2023/24 (German Language)

  41. Algorithms 2024 (German Language)

  42. Formal Languages and Automata 2024 (German Language)

  1. Current topics for Student Projects (Studienarbeiten) and and general information on them (some topics in German)

Wilhelm Busch: Lehrer Lämpel
Microscope representing Research

Professor Dr. Stephan Schulz